Friday, March 20, 2020

Writing for Hobby and Leisure Activity Magazines

Writing for Hob When I began my freelance writing career in 2007, I would never have believed Id end up writing dozens of articles for hob My Ive found hob Leisure activity magazines exist in a mind-boggling plethora of topics; trains, quilting, motorcycles, automobiles, cats and dogs, dolls, scale modeling, yachting, cycling, running (and nearly every other sport imaginable), camping, hiking, video games, arts crafts, astronomy, military history, stamp collecting, coin collecting, rock gem collecting, antique collecting, and every other pastime imaginable. Next time youre at your local Barnes Noble or bookstore, thumb through the special interest and hob Where to Pitch Your Hob Leisure activities represent a huge market in first world countries. So, make sure you pitch your stories to magazines published in developed countries that have wealth and where the people have leisure time for pursuing hobbies such as North America, the U.K, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. You Dont Have to Be an Expert Writers do not need to be experts about their hob Ive consulted or quoted experts in some hob My article in Garden Answers Magazine, about the Elandan Bonsai Gardens in Port Orchard, Washington, was a profile piece about Daniel Robinson, a bonsai expert who created this magical garden. How Do You Pitch Your Story Ideas to Hob Hob Create Pitch Lists Ive created extensive magazine distribution lists for every leisure activity genre that Ive written in. Once youve developed your magazine distribution lists, youve got them forever, so you dont need to reinvent the wheel every time you want to query a hob Writing for hob

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